Home Games Horizon Zero Dawn Surpasses Goal in One Day
Horizon Zero Dawn Surpasses Goal in One Day

Horizon Zero Dawn Surpasses Goal in One Day


Creators underestimated how popular Horizon Zero Dawn is as a franchise, as Kickstarter project fully funded in one day.

Kickstarter veterans

A Kickstart project to bring Horizon Zero Dawn to tabletops has met extraordinary success, rocketing past its initial goal in a matter of hours. This is a sign that fans are eagerly awaiting a new addition to the popular franchise.

Steamforged Games, the creators of the game, are veterans of Kickstarter. They have successfully completed five campaigns including a $5.4 million effort for Dark Souls: The Board Game, and a $1.18 million campaign to create miniatures of the team on The Critical Role actual play series. So, it’s any wonder why fans are happy to pledge and to see this story continue.

Game pieces  as depicted on their Kickstarter page


Horizon Zero Dawn: The Board Game will be like its predecessors in that it is a cooperative experience for players. You’ll work together as members of the secretive Hunter’s Lodge from the game. Players will work together to hunt and take down deadly robotic monstrosities. Additionally, they will also be competing at the same time to earn the most glory.

The game will take a strategic approach is with deck-building mechanics and in-game merchants. Players will be able to make choices that will impact the game development.

“Combat is deeply tactical, offering players meaningful choices at every turn,” the campaign page explains. So how you interact with the game determines who gets the final glory.

You can find out more information on the Horizon Zero Dawn: The Board Game on the official Kickstarter page, here,  and the campaign also includes a lengthy video with sample gameplay


