We’ve known since June that Doctor Strange 2 was happening. Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige confirmed it over the summer while promoting Ant-Man and the Wasp. Feige did note that there would some significant time between the first film and it’s sequel. Not that we’re counting but it’s already been 2 years and we live in an age where that might as well be 20!
Now the Doctor Strange director Scott Derrickson is dropping some major teases online and we’re all a flutter. You may know that Derrickson quit Twitter last year citing it as a ‘hell’ well he remained active on Instagram. In June he dropped this photo with the caption ‘Not my will but thine be done…See you in September’
That’s clearly Doctor Strange in the photo and what’s more it’s 12 days into September. Derrickson has already started dropping more hints of a project in the works returning to Twitter with:
【B】 【A】 【C】 【K】 pic.twitter.com/OIax6Kl6Mj
— Scott Derrickson (@scottderrickson) September 11, 2018
In case you’re having trouble seeing the tweet, it’s gif of a back tattooed with a scales, justice on one side and truth on the other. A few hours later he retweeted C. Robert Cargill screenwriter for Doctor Strange.
Tease https://t.co/m8vH1ZIvXF
— Scott Derrickson (@scottderrickson) September 11, 2018
There is a possibility that the pair are dropping teasers for a new Sinister movie but my gut says that instagram post and almost religious quote (thy will be done?) are connected somewhat to the scales here. Is there a balance that Strange will have to correct? When will we know more?! Mr. Derrickson if you’re reading this, feel free to get in touch, I promise I can keep a secret! With speculation that the Doctor Strange sequel will start filming as early as next Spring, we’ll have to wait and see just what comes of all this teasing.
What do you make it all? Think Derrickson is just having some fun or is there more here? Let us know in the comments!
Editor-in-Chief, part-time super villain and hoarder of cats. If you can’t find me writing, I’m probably in the kitchen!