Hi, I’m HelenBaby, and I’m something of a veteran community meetup organiser. Between 2010 – 2015 I organised approximately 15 events for Sonic the Hedgehog fans over in London. Between 2013 – 2016 I organised a similiar number for Nintendo fans, most in London but two taking place in County Donegal. I’m no stranger to TheArcade.ie and even shared my Top 5 Breath of the Wild Characters with you all before!
So now you know who I am. I am pleased to tell you all that I’m going to Northern Ireland soon. In fact ; I am going on tour! I’ll be visiting and helping out (in a small way) with the Nintendo Belfast event taking place on Saturday 4th August. We’re going to be hosting a raffle (I’ll be bringing some bits over from England. Some from my own collection, and hopefully some from Nintendo and Capcom). One cool thing I can announce is that we’ll be giving away a code for the awesome Switch game Slayaway Camp: Butcher’s Cut
Aside from that ; the Belfast event will feature a Mario Kart 8 tournament. In addition to all this : organiser Kristen likes to run themes during the Nintendo Belfast events (which take place monthly by the way ; hence very frequently!). Don’t be fooled by the activities mentioned do far, because the August meet’s theme is actually platformers! Please don’t be put off attending if you’re a Nintendo fan who’s not particularly a fan of platformers…
But those of you who are are in for a few extra treats. The only one we can reveal we far is that there will be a Sonic Mania Plus contest. Final confirmation has not been made, but I suspect it may involve the game’s multiplayer mode…
The following week I’ll be visiting Nintendo Derry. These are run by the lovely Ronnie Gomersall. Confirmed activities to date include contests in Mario Kart 8 and Overcooked.
There’s a good chance there will be a Monster Hunter Generations contest at both events, in addition. Most of you Hunters won’t need told this ; but in the upcoming Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate title on the Switch you are able to to port over your save file from the 3DS version of Monster Hunter Generations. So we’re hoping to have one last hooray at Generations (which is probably my personal favourite Monster Hunter to date, actually). And simultaneously prepare our characters for the exciting journey into a higher spec environment in every sense.
A word about Nintendo Belfast’s creator : Kristen Mullen. This man is an absolute worker-bee. If the Irish gaming community could and would ever produce its own equivalent to the Hollywood Walk of Fame It would only be deserving that Kristen had a star of his own, alongside fellow community titans such as Monster Hunter Ireland’s Luke Cashen and Celtic Throwdown’s Aaron Jackson.
I am hoping to meet as many of you as possible during my upcoming August tour of Northern Ireland. Super Mario Sunshine has nothing on us!
Please RSVP :
- Belfast Event : https://m.facebook.com/events/215800552545179
- Derry Event : https://m.facebook.com/events/199716854174015
The events will also be posted on the NintendoPlayersUK website in due course. You’ll be able to find them here!