When my day started I didn’t think I would end up listening to an entire album before getting to work. But boy was I pleasantly surprised and excited to see a Fall Out Boy album recommendation. How ‘Mania’ managed to slip under my radar is baffling but understandable too.
I used to listen to Fall Out Boy alot more in the 00’s than I have in more recent years to be honest, except for the odd tune like ‘Immortal’ from the Big Hero 6 soundtrack. However the release of M A N I A was delayed by a number of months. Out of the original line up for the album only a couple of tracks made the cut and I’m happy ‘ Young and Menace’ was one of those few.
However this album seems to have rekindled my love of FOB once again but more specifically the song ‘Young and Menace’. Something about the some really got to me and I’m still trying to wrap my mind around it. Is it the beats? Is it the amazing drop? The captivating lyrics? Or is it the interesting video? Whatever it is has caught my attention in the best way possible.