Home Cartoons Drag Race Winner Joins Steven Universe Cast
Drag Race Winner Joins Steven Universe Cast

Drag Race Winner Joins Steven Universe Cast


And Not Just Any Drag Race Winner…

The best winner! That’s right Jinkx Monsoon will join the cast of Cartoon Network’s Steven Universe. It was over the weekend at SDCC that fans got a sneak preview at what Steven and the Gems will face in Season 5.


There amongst the awesomeness was a familiar voice as Monsoon tackles the role of an Emerald. Emerald joins the ranks of other villains, a one eyed Emerald (her gem is in her other eye), Lars has made an enemy of her. Emerald appears in ‘Lars In The Stars’, our pink brooding teen is leading the band of odd Gems Steven and he encountered on Homeworld. Together they’ve taken control of a pretty sweet looking ship

Just what their aim is, is still up in the air… or space! Is Lars heading home? Are the Gems fronting a new rebellion? I… we NEED answers!

The clip below gives a 2 minute look at the episode and features Jinkx Monsoon in her full glory:


The casting of the performer met with a backlash from Steven Universe fans. Monsoon as a result had to make a statement regarding her personal life. Some fans felt casting the Drag Queen was transphobic, Monsoon’s response echoes her coming out. The Drag Race Winner identifies as non-binary: “Because this apparently needs to be repeated … I am male bodied, I prefer to identify as non-gendered/non-binary. I prefer They/Them. I came out as NB/non-gendered almost four years ago. I have privately identified under the Trans umbrella since my teens.”

Jinkx Monsoon has more than once stated she is a huge fan of the show. The performer is on record as asking to be cast in the series, reaching out to the show’s creator Rebecca Sugar.

Steven Universe season 5 is currently on a break. The first four episodes have aired but there is no indication yet when it will resume! We will keep you posted as always!
