There are other worlds than these, and at the heart of all those words lies The Dark Tower. Connecting and holding everything together.
When I first started reading Stephen King one of the first things I noticed was how self-referencial he was. Characters that appeared in a novel or story would appear or get mentioned in another, same with places like Salem’s Lot or Castle Rock. I thought that was the coolest.
Those connections kept spreading until I realised that everything is connected. And The Dark Tower is at the centre of it. Even the trailer had some easter eggs to King’s work, like a photo of the Overlook Hotel, or someone walking a Saint Bernard, or the remains of a circus with the word Pennywise written in it.
Now, it’s even more explicit, because with less than a month for the film, we got this trailer hinting at a connected King movie universe. It shows scenes taken from books and movies like It, The Shawshank Redemption, or Christine to name a few.
As a lifelong Constant Reader, this is something I never knew I wanted. I need this to happen.
Angry Spaniard, adoptive Irishman. Writer, reader, tea drinker and video game player/designer.