Last week, Netflix released a new featurette for the upcoming Marvel’s Iron Fist. This short, two-minute clip focused on Finn Jones as Danny Rand. However, our attention is now being turned to Colleen Wing, as a new banner for the show was released.
Colleen Wing, played by Jessica Henwick will star alongside Jones in both Netflix’s Iron Fist and The Defenders. According to CBR, Henwick originally felt hesitant to take on the role, afraid she would be taking on another stereotyped Asian character. However, the head of Marvel television Jeph Loeb reassured her that the series would delve into her backstory and said: “We’re going to take the stereotype, and we’re going to — we’re not going to avoid it, we’re going to inspect it.”
Iron Fist will be released exclusively on Netflix on March 17th.
Doing a little of this, a little of that. If you see me holding a camera, run!