Way back when everyday internet was still a toddler, a little known online video platform was just starting to get some traction; two brothers started sending self-made videos to each other as a way to keep in touch. Though short and simple, their videos started gaining more and more viewers from which the YouTube duo sensation The Vlogbrothers, began.
Not just a pair of YouTubers, the Green brothers have grown a worldwide community of likeminded people in the almost 10 years they have been producing videos. They’ve created educational video channels, written bestselling YA novels, hosted numerous gatherings and cons as well as raising millions of dollars for charity.

In the beginning…
John and Hank Green, hailing from *somewhere in America*, began Brotherhood 2.0 in early 2007 as an alternative to text based communication. With challenges and jokes, their video channel began to grow and grow. By the end of 2007, they began their first Project For Awesome where they invited fellow YouTubers to make a video to promote their choice of charity and encourage donations to be made by viewers. This project has been running since, with this year’s donations already reaching over $2million!
As well as amazing givers and working continuously to ‘decrease world suck’, the pair are also just really fun to watch! Their videos range from mad challenges, like how many bad jokes you can say in less than 4 minutes, to Hank‘s Harry Potter-themed songs but also to their insightful and deep Thoughts From Places and explanations of worldly topics to help us understand the world we live in.
Re-thinking education
One of the most impressive results of Hank and John’s success, I feel, is the expanse of sister channels that have stemmed from Brotherhood 2.0. The most popular and regular are SciShow: a science based info channel answering viewers questions or just discussing the wonders of the universe, and CrashCourse: a collection of educational tutorials for subjects ranging from world history to economics and even physics! According to many modern educational thinkers, notably Sir Ken Robinson, our education systems are approaching creativity and learning all wrong. The Vlogbrothers have offered everyone an opportunity to expand their learning, outside of a classroom setting, that is available to anyone with an internet connection.
Have a look at CGP Grey‘s Thoughts on the Future of Education if you are interested in this line of thought, and also John Green’s own Ted Talk on the learning.
Two parts of a whole…
So I’ve talked a lot about what The Vlogbrothers have done as a pair, but what about individually as people?
Probably more well known than his brother, John Green is a best selling novelist! His last novel The Fault In Our Stars (2012) was a huge success and was very soon after picked up for a film. The film was released in 2014 starring Shailene Woodley (of Divergent fame!) and Ansel Elgort (who also featured in the Divergent series) Soon after, another of Green’s young adult novels Paper Towns (2008) was nabbed for the big screen and was released in 2015 starring Cara Delevingne and Nat Wolff (who also appeared in TFIOS as Isaac!) John is currently working on a new novel but it doesn’t seem to be going as fluidly as expected…. which is another thing I love about this duo; their simple yet profound approach to the most terrifying aspects of our lives – identity, failure and ya know, babies.
Hank (whose full name is William Henry??) is primarily a YouTube based entrepreneur! Since Brotherhood 2.0, he has developed most of the sister Vlogbrother channels, as well as a hugely successful (in America) event, VidCon! He also manages DFTBA records and store AND has just become a first time father! Man, that’s a busy fella… the pair also like to support local artists in their merch designs and allocate the right contributions where due. *thumbs up*
All in all, The Vlogbrothers are an enjoyable duo to watch who are fun yet insightful, as well as doing something good with the media power they hold. Check them out here and see what you think.