Home Latest ‘Little Christmas Tree’ – Michael Jackson – TOTD
‘Little Christmas Tree’ – Michael Jackson – TOTD

‘Little Christmas Tree’ – Michael Jackson – TOTD

On these twelve days before the 25th I’ll be selecting my twelve favorite Christmas tunes that may not be obscure but are rarely on Christmas compilations or piped through shopping center speakers.

I’m not a fan of sad Christmas songs. They tend to be nothing more than cheap emotional manipulation. We get it. Santa couldn’t bring presents to that poor boy. We all should feel guilty for enjoying ourselves. This one however I do enjoy simply because of the singer.

Michael Jackson was not just good for an eleven year old, he was great by anyone’s standard. Only he could liken himself to an unsold Christmas tree and sing it with such emotion and honesty. It’s also a lovely ode to how one can compare oneself to anything when feeling dejected, Christmas tree included. If you only listen to one yuletide downer, it needs to be this one.
