Well this is depressing! Vanessa Cartlon’s debut single ‘A Thousand Miles’ is 14 years old! I’ve fond memories of this being the very first song I grabbed on Napster! I then proceeded to play it on repeat until it somehow mysteriously vanished from my computer!
If you don’t at least pretend ONCE to play the piano while listening to this song then you need to get your imagination looked at! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to crack my fingers, play air piano and wonder what I’ve done with my missing fourteen years!
I’d also like to apologise to those who live/work in close proximity to me! I’ve found this song again and it will be played on loop until it becomes just white noise in the background!
Editor-in-Chief, part-time super villain and hoarder of cats. If you can’t find me writing, I’m probably in the kitchen!