Home Featured ‘Under The Sea’ – Samuel E. Wright – Track of the Day
‘Under The Sea’ – Samuel E. Wright – Track of the Day

‘Under The Sea’ – Samuel E. Wright – Track of the Day


‘Under The Sea’ has been stuck in my head all week. ALL BLOODY WEEK!

Nothing has been able to shunt it out, none of the catchiest song I could think of could get the job done. ‘I’ll Make A Man Out Of You’ wasn’t even up to the task.

Regardless of your opinion of The Little Mermaid, it truly spawned one of Disney’s most infectious numbers. ‘Under The Sea’ is rife with that Disney magic – singing, dancing, infecting every fiber of your being once you’ve heard it once. Y’know, Disney magic.

Well, at least now I won’t suffer alone! We can all get infected by Horatio Thelonius Ignatius Crustaceus Sebastian’s glorious voice and sing together! There’ll be no accusations just friendly crustaceans – under the sea!
