The breakout TV show of the year so far is easily Netflix’s Stranger Things. The sci-fi adventure through small town 1980s mid-western America including telepathy, alternate dimensions and D&D references has captured the hearts and minds of genre fans around the world.
But one character viewers have really clung to is the down-to-earth best friend, Barb. For as short as her screentime was, her sudden death at the hands of the Demagorgon is one of the most chilling moments of the series.
What’s worse, the show just kind of brushes off her disappearance, focusing more on the main characters and less on the fact another person with a family has just fallen the same cruel fate! When asked about this issue show runners, the Duffer Brothers, have addressed it and promise that it will have repercussions
“Barb will not be forgotten. We’ll make sure there’s some justice for Barb. People get very frustrated, understandably, that the town doesn’t seem to be really dealing with Barb. That stuff is all happening. We’re just not spending any screen time on it,” Matt Duffer told IGN. It’s not like her parents are like ‘Oh Barb left. She died!’ Season one actually takes place over the course of six or seven days – it’s a really short period of time. So part of what we want to do with hypothetical Season two is to explore the repercussions of everything that happened.”
It was also confirmed recently confirmed that Dr. Brenner, season one’s antagonist attacked by said Demagorgon in the finale, would be returning in a possible season two. While season two has not been officially confirmed by Netflix, the show is still relatively newly released and with its sudden popularity and the creators eagerness, a season two is a pretty safe assumption. In the meantime, you can watch Stranger Things season one now on Netflix!