The Pokemon Company has announced a new manga series based on the upcoming Nintendo 3DS games Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon. The series will start in the September and will be part of Japanese manga magazine, CoroCoro.
The manga will focus on a new trainer named Akira and his Rockruff during their travels through the Alola region.
9月15日(木)よりコロコロコミックで、『ポケットモンスター サン・ムーン』の世界を舞台にした新マンガがスタート! 詳しくは8月12日(金)発売号をチェック! #ポケモン_サン・ムーン pic.twitter.com/YIt0Dl7EYK
— ポケモン公式ツイッター (@Pokemon_cojp) August 8, 2016
It is unknown if the manga will be brought over to Western markets, but as Pokémon continues to rise in popularity, no doubt there will be much more Pokémon related information released soon.