Welcome to Tuesday. No, it’s not Wednesday, definitely not even Thursday yet. It’s undoubtedly going to be a long one. As such, this seemed like an appropriate choice to get you up and out the front door, swinging.
If you’ve ever heard of 16 Volt it’s probably going to have something to do with their work on what is one of the best video game soundtracks of all time. Primal may have had it’s issues but the music of 16Volt was not one of them. Their largely under-appreciated style of industrial metal never fully took off and despite tours promoting their album Super Cool Nothing they largely faded into the blackness of the 90’s. Fortunately for their fans, they were just too hard to keep down and in 2002 they came to release Super Cool Nothing, v2.0.
All shiny and chrome. If you’ve never heard of them and you like the sound, I’d fully recommend. It’s an album that has stood the test of time.