New Colossus was teased at the very start of a C: drive directory page under the previous Wolfenstein titles. It’s release date is blocked out. It may be announced later this year at another event like QuakeCon or GamesCom.
Bethesda’s E3 Showcase kicked off proper with a trailer for Quake Champions. Developed by id Software, it is a competitive, arena style shooter. More info will be released at QuakeCon, which takes place between 4th – 7th August.
The Elder Scrolls: Legends, the free-to-play, collectable card game got a campaign trailer. It will be released on PC, iPad, iPhone, Mac and Android devices later this year.
Bethesda Game Studios had several announcements.
Fallout 4 will getting new shelter building options with elevators, Vault building and new amour sets.
Fallout Shelter will be coming to PC in July. It will be getting a massive update across all current platforms also in July. Update will include sending dwellers on quests, new locations and new enemies.
Skyrim Special Edition announced. It will include remastered art and effects, volumetric God rays, dynamic dept of field, new snow and water shaders as well as many more improvements. Consoles will be able to play mods to. It will be released for PlayStation 4, PC and Xbox One.
Prey was announced by Arkane Studios in Austin. The game is set to be released for PlayStation 4, PC and Xbox One in 2017.
DOOM will be releasing regular free updates to their DOOM Snapmap component of their game. New additions will include new construction modules, props, objects and logic options. Multiplayer will get 2 new modes. One will be a CTF(capture the flag) mode called Exodus and a new capture and hold mode called Sector. This summer, their will be 3 free free-for-all modes as well as 1 premium pack called Unto The Evil with new gun, amour sets, taunts, 3 multiplayer maps and new playable demon.
DOOM’s first level is available to play for FREE on PlayStation 4, PC and Xbox One for the duration of E3.
The Dark Brotherhood DLC will be released for The Elder Scrolls Online.
Dishonored 2 got a new trailer. It showcased some gameplay, new locations and some beautiful graphics.
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Jesus that Dishonored 2, perfect song choice.