Home Games John Boyega Wants A Star Wars Battlefront Single-Player Mode
John Boyega Wants A Star Wars Battlefront Single-Player Mode

John Boyega Wants A Star Wars Battlefront Single-Player Mode


Star Wars: Battlefront got a lot of flack around its release in November last year and a lot of the complaints focused on the lack of a single-player story mode

The calls for EA to add an offline single-player campaign have goten a stronger voice recently, as John Boyega, who played Finn in Star Wars: The Force Awakens has tweeted EA asking for one. EA did reply to him, asking if he’d played their ‘Missions’ mode, which lets people play on their own or with other players. This is the same reply they’ve been giving players since the game’s release

‘Missions’ is more of an arena survival mode, not in any way a story for a player to experience and Boyega told them as much. You can see the full exchange here:

Do you agree with Boyega? Sound off in the comments!


  1. I agree with Boyega. The missions are imteresting but I want to a story. It doesn’t even have to be canon. I just want to relive the OT.
    P.S. Battlefront. It’s irrelevant but would it kill you to get James Earl Jones to voice Darth Vader

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