Home Latest Yoda Almost Had A ‘Force Awakens’ Cameo
Yoda Almost Had A ‘Force Awakens’ Cameo

Yoda Almost Had A ‘Force Awakens’ Cameo


Star Wars fans from across the Galaxy may be glad to hear that at one point in The Force Awakens‘ long production process, Yoda was considered to cameo in some form.

As reported by ComicBook, editors for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Maryann Brandon and Mary Jo Markey contemplated having one of the most beloved Jedi on-screen. “There was one point where we were actually thinking of having Yoda in the film, and then we decides not to” Brandon shares.

Although they ultimately decided against it, we were still given a small clip of his voice, which was heard in Rey’s vision, along with the voices of Alec Guinness and Ewan McGregor.

If you haven’t had your fill of Star Wars: The Force Awakens yet the Blu-ray and DVDs will be released next month.
