Home Latest Sophie Turner Talks About Taking Over Role of Jean Grey
Sophie Turner Talks About Taking Over Role of Jean Grey

Sophie Turner Talks About Taking Over Role of Jean Grey


When X-Men: Apocalypse hits cinemas later this year Sophie Turner, of Game of Thrones fame, will be taking over the role of Jean Grey from Famke Janssen, who played the character in previous X-Men movies.

Entertainment Weekly spoke with Turner and asked her about the difference between her Jean Grey and the character we’ve seen in the past. He response was:

“The difference between this and Famke’s Jean Grey is she’s young and isolated and so insecure and very alienated – even from the other mutants – because she’s so powerful. So there’s a real vulnerability to her and it’s great to see how her and Scott [Tye Sheridan] find each other through that alienation. She’s a great role to play, she’s so much fun, and her arc in the movie is amazing.”

While I’ve tuned out of Game of Thrones in recent years, Sophie Turner‘s acting in it was brilliant, so I’m looking forward to seeing her in this movie.

What do you think of her statement? Are you excited for the new X-Men movie? Let us know in the comments below!

via geektyrant.com
