Home Latest Science Says You Could Totally Outrun a T-Rex
Science Says You Could Totally Outrun a T-Rex

Science Says You Could Totally Outrun a T-Rex


One of the most contested ideas of 2015 was the scene at the end of Jurassic World where Bryce Dallas Howard outruns a T-rex in heels. For most, this was one of the most preposterous, unbelievable scenes in a movie about a dinosaur theme park, but according to recent studies by archaeologists, the scene is far more believable than once thought. In a recent article by Discover Magazine, scientists claimed that, despite the T-Rex’s massive size, the beast was actually a slow poke. According to the article:

“The researchers estimated the walking speed of the T-rex to be 2.7 to 5 mph, which is much slower than, say, Usain Bolt, who clocks in a maximum sprinting speed of 27.3 mph. For context, the average walking speed for a human hovers around 3 mph. The calculated speed indicates T-rex was traveling at a slow trot, and at a speed similar to other large carnivorous dinosaurs. Still, even when walking, tyrannosaurs covered more ground in a single step than the large herbivores that they coexisted with and presumably hunted.”

Furthermore, it should be stated that while a T-Rex probably had the ability to run, studies of their bone structure seems to show that they were far more likely to walk as chasing smaller, faster animals would have been far too much effort. So that’s great! As long as you have about 5 miles between yourself and the dinosaur, or you’re not the largest thing to eat within that radius, you should be able to escape with your life, and maybe a set of intact limbs! That said, I’d still leave the stilettos at home next time you plan to visit a small island swarming with carnivores.
