Whether you are celebrating the upcoming Valentine’s Day, a day set aside every year for those that you love and something about a guy named Valentine, or you are celebrating Deadpool day! For those of you celebrating the latter option, you may agree that there are few things in life better than seeing romantic fails. It is heart-breaking when it happens to you and those you love but, when you see hilarious and cringe-worthy compilations on YouTube, you can’t help but laugh until your cheeks hurt.
Knight In Wet Armour
Who said chivalry is dead? Not this guy who clearly did not want that girl to get wet in what looks like a terrifying flood. Why they weren’t indoors like the normal people who were taking the video, we will never know, but that young man braved the flood waves to carry that girl across our screens more than once. His heroic efforts were thwarted, however, and in the funniest way possible. Stay sweet sir!
Reality Bites
We all want that fairy tale love story, where your eyes meet across a crowded room or you accidentally walk into each other and love is instant and you ride off into the sunset on a soft cloud of love. Unfortunately, this is never really the case, is it? Is there ever really a ‘cute’ story of how you met your other half? For the majority, they may seem awkward or cute to them, but not to others. In other words — reality bites.
Just Kiss Me!
Well that is just awkward! It’s not a major phenomenon, but from a quick YouTube search there are an abundance of Kisscam fails that are just shameful on both parts. You truly hope that this woman saw sense and dumped that guy too busy on his phone (who would be on a phone in a stadium anyway?) to even look at her whether the kiss cam is there or not. That mascot is in with a good chance there! He’s a damn hero! That guy would clearly be better off in a relationship with his phone. Or his hand.
Run Lady Run!
There is nothing like just standing in awe at the lights of Times Square in New York City with the most obviously nervous boyfriend in the world when he suddenly turns to you and gets on one knee about to propose when… out of nowhere… some idiot shouts ‘OMG HE IS PROPOSING’ and you feel every eye in Times Square on you. What would you do? Well, this girl decided to bolt faster than a pony at a Kentucky derby! The poor guy! We do have to ask, however… is it real or fake? Did he seem that cut up? You tell us!
Maybe Love Is Not Dead…. Yet
So we’re not complete cynics here and we do believe that maybe love is not completely dead. Take this lovely moment from Dublin airport this past Christmas as Louise Mooney is reunited with her boyfriend Martin Mulroe. He has just returned rom Australia and surprises her by getting down on one knee and proposing to her. She says yes! Not sweet enough yet? The pair had met in the airport in 2013 when Martin was leaving for Australia and Louise later moved there herself. Right in the feels!
Whether you are a cynic or a romantic at heart have a Happy Valentines/Deadpool day!