Home Latest Arrow’s Ra’s al Ghul Getting Some Big Changes
Arrow’s Ra’s al Ghul Getting Some Big Changes

Arrow’s Ra’s al Ghul Getting Some Big Changes


Arrow was jam packed with surprises last season. with fans thrilled about John Barrowman‘s big return as the new Ra’s al Ghul and as such, the leader of the League of Assassins.

As reported by ComicBook Barrowman said: “When he became Ra’s al Ghul, he was finally in charge of the League of Assassins, but what he really wanted to be doing was still manipulating who I’ll call the Team Oliver people. You’ll have to watch to see what happens because pretty soon a lot of things are going to change drastically.”

Not too sure about you but that has definitely grabbed our attention. The ending of this season could be a big one for Oliver and the show itself!

The show is currently on season four and if you haven’t started watching it yet, give it a shot. If you are watching it at the moment how are you finding is this season, is is lacking or better than ever? Let us know in the comments below!
