Home Games Fans Launch Petition For Danny Devito To Voice Detective Pikachu
Fans Launch Petition For Danny Devito To Voice Detective Pikachu

Fans Launch Petition For Danny Devito To Voice Detective Pikachu


Pokemon fans have started a petition in the hopes of getting actor Danny DeVito to voice the newest Pikachu in the Pokemon universe: Detective Pikachu.

Detective Pikachu spins a Sherlock Holmes twist on the popular animated mascot, so teaming up with a high profile actor to voice the mascot would be a step in the right direction, and may just give the spinoff title more of a competitive edge when it eventually hits the English speaking markets.

No release date has been revealed outside Japan as of yet, but the game is expected to see a worldwide release at some stage.

If you’re interested in getting behind DeVito and signing the Detective Pikachu petition, be sure to add your name and let Nintendo know.


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