Metal Gear, the first game in the Metal Gear series was released in 1987 on the MSX2, but the series had to wait until its third canon entry, Metal Gear Solid and the power of the PlayStation, before the world sat up and took note of the series in a big way.
A beloved game to this day, it was a pioneer in story based, cinematic gameplay, with a mix of stealth and action which showed us that games weren’t just for kids.
In 2004 a remake of the game was officially released on Nintendo Gamecube as Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, which was well received and it incorporated newer game mechanics such as new combat techniques, shooting in first person and hiding bodies from Metal Gear Solid 2.
Even to this day, people (including Kojima himself) still want to see a current gen remake of MGS. Now one team has stepped up to the plate.
What started as a museum piece and showcase of ‘Shadow Moses Island’, the game’s location, in the Unreal Engine 4, it has now grown into a fully fledged remake of the original Metal Gear Solid that promises to “Relive the era-defining classic once again in beautiful next-gen environments”.
The team are named Shadow Moses and project lead is Airam Hernandez, originally from the Canary Islands but now living in Dublin. Hernandez wanted to recreate the environments so “those who wanted to explore the base with current technology”. Due to the great feedback over a number of weeks from fans and media outlets, he and his team decided to remake the entire game!
The game is looking well so far, with the help of 2D and 3D artists contributing artwork and models for the game and dialogue has been recorded by some voice actor contributors. It has really captured the fans hearts and has impressed so much that Rika Muranaka, MGS series music composer and producer, has now joined the project and will be creating a new music composition.
It is as of now unclear what Konami’s stance on the project is, but as they are the rights holders, they hold the power to help or stop the project. The team has asked for the public’s help stating “you could help us letting Konami know how great it would be if this project gets the greenlight.” We’re hopeful they let the project continue throughout development.
For more info on the project and to keep up to date with progress make sure to like them on Facebook and Twitter.
[Words: Brian Dooley]