In the new movie of the much beloved franchise we were introduced to a new team similar to that of the original group Han, Leia and Luke with Rey, Finn and Poe looking to carry on the legacy in this all new trilogy. Although according to J.J. Abrams it was almost just set to be a duet.
In an interview with GQ Oscar Isaac confirmed that when he was pitched the idea of the character Poe Dameron, he was only going to be in it briefly before he met his end.
According to Isaac, Abrams sold him on the role as follows, before letting him down gently:
“He opens the whole movie!” said Abrams.
“Sounds great!” thought Isaac.
“And then,” Abrams went on. “He dies.”
“Oh,” thought Isaac.
“I’d done that before, set up the plot for the main guy and then die spectacularly,” he said, referring to The Bourne Legacy. “I went back home, and I thought about it,” Isaac continued. “Then I wrote [Abrams] and said, ‘Okay. I’ll do it!'”
Thankfully Abrams changed his mind leaving Isaac in the film, allowing us to enjoy the character development of Poe!
Star Wars: The Force Awakens is in cinemas now, you can read our review here!