Home Anime/Cartoons Let’s Celebrate The Storm! 7 Terrific Tempests!
Let’s Celebrate The Storm! 7 Terrific Tempests!

Let’s Celebrate The Storm! 7 Terrific Tempests!


From the comfort and safety of our homes (and for those not allowed go home just yet) it’s the perfect to chance to admire, awe and oogle the power of the wind and rain pelting down across Ireland.

As storm Barney (seriously who picked that name? roars across the country, I figured it the perfect chance to pay homage to some of the most terrific tempests.

Song of Storms – Zelda: Ocarina of Time

It is one of the best known pieces of video game music ever and if it doesn’t conjure up memories of dark clouds and rain well then grab an umbrella because there’s going to be a downpour.

Ororo Monroe – X-Men Days of Future Past


Having appeared in the first three movies many fans remarked at how little impact the mistress of the elements, Ororo Monroe aka Storm actually had in that time. While her appearance in Days of Future Past  was short lived she brought down a storm to rival the devastating fury we’ve seen in her comic persona, destroying the Blackbird and wiping out hundreds of sentinels.

Sailor Uranus – Sailor Moon

Guarded by Uranus, planet of the skies. I’m the soldier of flight, Sailor Uranus!

Aang – Avatar: The Last Airbender

Aang Air Anger

Avatar Aang carried the weight of the world and the hope of it’s people on his shoulders but somehow maintained his childhood wonder and innocence. That said when faced with the terrifying realisation of the genoicide carried out by the Fire Nation and confronted with the bones of his old mentor and friend, Aang loses control and we witness the powerful devastation of the storm and the fury of an airbender.

Stormcaller – Destiny: The Taken King


I have to admit it, I only bought The Taken King DLC just so I could play a Stormcaller Warlock. All I’ve ever wanted to do in this life is wield the powers of a storm, is that too much to ask for?!

Pikachu Saves Ash – Pokémon

There are plenty of moments in the Pokémon series that have raised the hairs on the back of our necks or even brought us to tears. This moment from the very first season where Pikachu realises just how much Ash cares for him even in the short time they’re together does both!

Thor – Cos he’s hot!


Seriously! This guy makes storms, lightning and thunder totally worth it!
