Home News Zemeckis Says IMAX Was The Reason He Made The Walk
Zemeckis Says IMAX Was The Reason He Made The Walk

Zemeckis Says IMAX Was The Reason He Made The Walk



For many, the prospect of walking a high wire thousands of feet in the air without any safety is not only a terrifying prospect, but one quite likely to make you fall to your knees and kiss the ground you stand on. However, this is not the case for Phillipe Petit in Robert Zemeckis’ new film The Walk.

The Walk tells the true story of Petit‘s 40 minute performance in 1974 wherein he walked across a tightrope between the World Trade Center no less than 8 times. In the film to be released later this year, Zemeckis is hoping that when the audience walks out on the rope with Petit, they’re just as immersed and terrified as if they were actually there. To which end, he not only recommends the film be viewed in IMAX, but says it was “the reason to make the movie”.

But don’t just take our word for it! Watch the featurette below with Zemeckis and Petit themselves!

Hey there, readers! We might not all have the cajones that Monsieur Petit did when he crossed the wire, but we think we’re brave enough to see the movie about it. Let us know if you’ll be checking this one out in the comments below!
