We’re almost there, Walking Dead fans! Season 6 will soon be upon us, and with so much teasing of what is to come for Rick and the group, as well as little hints towards the role of our old friend, turned badass monk Morgan, you’d be mad not to be excited for the road ahead. Especially given that AMC has just released their own synopsis of what lies in store in the next episode. In their words – “Rick and the group are still having trouble assimilating into Alexandria. Will a new threat bring them closer together or drive them further apart?”
The short but sweet quote is undoubtedly vague, but still, it’s enough to get your mind working. We already know that Rick and his group stick out like sore thumbs in Alexandria and you shouldn’t under any circumstances accept cookies from Carol, but what could this new threat be? Is it possibly something to do with the ‘Wolves’ that held up Morgan in the last episode? Or is someone new entering the fray and hoping to tear down what little civilization Alexandria had built around them?
We’ll have to wait until The Walking Dead season 6 premiere ‘First Time Again’ airs on October 11 to find out.
Until then, what do you think this new threat is, and who do you most wish would just become walker bait? Let us know what you think in the comments below!