Home News New Photos Of The Force Awakens Released
New Photos Of The Force Awakens Released

New Photos Of The Force Awakens Released


Hype levels are already at an all time high for this year’s release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and they’re only set to get even higher as the December premiere draws near. People have been waiting for years for a new Star Wars, and even longer for one that doesn’t make you want to vomit over space politics. So when I tell you that we finally have pictures of Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker in full Jedi knight robes, I shouldn’t have to add that it’s likely to send people into a frothing, nerdy shock.

It’s been 32 years since Luke Skywalker had an on-screen appearance in Return of the Jedi, and it’s quite likely that this character has gone through a hell of a lot of changes since then. After all, he’s got a pretty goddamn long wiki page thanks to the extended universe. Who knows what kind of person our hero has become in all those years? We at The Arcade can’t wait to find out!

Furthermore, almost a dozen new images from The Force Awakens have just been released, showing off stills from the movie in pristine high resolution. These images feature new heroes Rey, Finn, and Poe Damaron as well as returning characters Han Solo, R2-D2 and C-3PO and villains Kylo Ren, Captain Phasma and General Hux.

Let us know what you think of the pictures and leave your own frothy, rambling fan rants down in the comments below!

