Fantastic Four 2 Has Already Been Greenlit
Unless you have been living under a rock for the last few days, the response to Fantastic Four has been awful to say the least.
This leaves 20th Century Fox in a bit of a pickle. They need to decide on whether or not to reboot it yet again, go ahead with another sequel or sell Marvel the rights. At this point, very few people would be on board with another reboot with Fox. However, moving on with a sequel could help redeem the Fantastic Four in the public’s eyes.
Drew McWeeny, of HitFix, had this to say: “Everything I’ve heard would indicate that the studio will move forward with a Fantastic Four sequel. It may not make that original 2017 date, but they’re definitely planning to make it.”
News and rumours have been coming out about what could possibly have happened between the director and the studio. Director Josh Trank tweeted following the aftermath of the movie’s release. He claimed that, had his previous rendition been released instead, it would have been a fantastic movie.
Many fans of the franchise want Marvel to take over the reigns. Already there is a fan petition to get Fox to sell back the rights of the Fantastic Four to Marvel, and it has gained almost 20,000 signatures in just a few days. What will the outcome be? Some fans are desperately hopeful.
What do you think? Should they try to power through or throw in the towel?