ArcadeCon – My Thoughts
I am drained both physically and emotionally, truth be told I feel very numb like I haven’t been able to fully process the last few days, weeks and months.
I started ArcadeCon because I thought I could do something or offer something different.
When I look back over the last five years, I look back with pride and fond memories but I also have some regrets. In my first year, I let my own pride and ego get the best of me, thinking I could walk into a community and do something better, I clashed with people who’d be running shows for far longer and far better. To you, I say I’m sorry, the me from five years ago was an absolute idiot (this current me, is also an idiot but a slightly wiser one). We all talk about how Ireland has too many Cons, there are too many events and not enough people but the fact is, these events exist and run because of individuals and committees who pour their heart, souls, minds and bodies into organising them for attendees who invest just as much into them. Whether you’re pulling in crowds of 200 or 2000 it doesn’t matter – the quality of your event isn’t measure in ticket sales, it’s measured in the smiles and the enjoyment of those who showed up. My second regret is of those I’ve let slip over the last few years, friends I’ve fallen out with and lost because of a heated argument, petty Con drama or me being a stubborn fool – I am sorry and I wish you nothing but the greatest of successes in your own endeavours, your own journey and who knows where we might meet again.
Over the last five years I’ve been approached by attendees either in groups or on their own who want to thank me for what I’ve done for them – whether it’s the fun weekend, their new group of friends, meeting their favourite geek idol or for having an impact on their life – but there is something you have to consider too – each and every single one of you have impacted my life too. Those short few words we exchange give me strength, give me energy and push me to work harder every year, you have given me a purpose in my life, something I lacked for the longest time. You have changed me as a person for the better and I owe you so much.
To our sponsors, traders, performers, guests, MCs, venues, families and friends, I owe you so much and I’ll never be able to pay you back for all that you’ve done for and given me.
To my friends, are you sure we don’t want to come back next year? 🙂 Thank you for everything, thank you for being you.
To Alan Doyle, you are my best friend, my support and my everything. I don’t think I’ve ever loved anyone as much as I love you. Thank you for all you’ve done, for putting our life together on hold so I could run this show every year. Here is to our life together, the time off and the long weekends we can finally spend doing nothing but watching Firefly reruns in our underpants instead of traipsing boxes of Con supplies all over the country.
To Mairéad Lyons, no one else in this world would have me, would work with me, would be as understanding with me as you are. You are one of the most special people in my life, you’ve a heart that knows no limit on love, patience and understanding, a mind that knows no limit on drive, determination and creativity and the absolute patience of a saint. You are a true friend and thank you for sharing this journey with me.
To my family, thank you for your time, your energy, your patience and your support. I am who I am today because of you all and I’ve been able to achieve so many things with that life because of you. To my amazing parents Helen Marie Doody and Jim Doody thank you from the bottom of my heart, you believed in me when I doubted myself, you pushed me when I wanted to give up – I am so lucky, so proud of you both and I’m looking forward to being able to spend some time with you when all of this settles.
To you, the ArcadeCon attendee, the Arcade reader, thank you for the last five years, thank you for your support, for coming back year after year, show after show. Thank you for your input, your energy, your time and your love. ArcadeCon is over but The Arcade is going nowhere and I look forward to seeing where our next adventure takes us. Until that time, be good to each other, be kind, be beautiful and be understanding, support our community, support each other and let’s show the world just how amazing the Irish Convention scene is and continues to be.
With love, respect and tears,
Your Dovahqueen,
Declan Doody
Editor-in-Chief, part-time super villain and hoarder of cats. If you can’t find me writing, I’m probably in the kitchen!