Home Comics/Books 20 Second Batman V Superman Teaser Focuses On Costumes
20 Second Batman V Superman Teaser Focuses On Costumes

20 Second Batman V Superman Teaser Focuses On Costumes


With a full trailer set to be released on Monday, Zack Snyder has, slightly earlier than expected, released a 20 second teaser for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice via his twitter account.

The teaser shows us a close-up of the iconic costumes of both Superman and Batman, before cutting the dual-insignia logo. Those living in the United States can sign-up to see the full trailer with a special presentation from Zack Snyder in a venue of their choosing from a selection of IMAX screens across the country. That screening is said to last 15 minutes, with the trailer expected online, by hook or by crook, some time thereafter.
