Ewan McGregor For Doctor Strange?
The Trainspotting, Star Wars trilogy playing, motor bike trip loving Scotsman is rumoured to be interested/prepping for the role of Marvel’s Sorceror Supreme (that word has a whole new meaning for me having just witnessed Jessica Lange in Coven… sorry tangent!).
It would seem, according to an unnamed source who spoke to BadAssDigest that McGregor is researching the character and a second source claimed that “They’re looking at him.“. To date we’ve had Joaquin Phoenix, Oded Fehr, Benedict Cumberbatch and even Tom Hardy – we have no inclination who, plenty of hopes (*fingers crossed for Fehr*).
Here’s what we do know so far, Scott Derickson is directing the movie and that it’s looking likely that the film is scheduled for a June 2016 release!
What do you think? Could McGregor go from Jedi mind tricks to … uh… Dr. Strange mind tricks? Let us know below!
Editor-in-Chief, part-time super villain and hoarder of cats. If you can’t find me writing, I’m probably in the kitchen!