Home Comics/Books Fantastic Four Director Confirms Details

Fantastic Four Director Confirms Details


Josh Trank, the director of the upcoming Fantastic Four reboot has opened up about the film after months of silence on the project. Trank took part in a Q+A with his fans and took the time to confirm some things for everyone – first and foremost we’ve learned that Sue and Johnny, played by Kate Mara and Michael B. Jordan are still brother and sister.
The casting of the Human Torch sparked some discussion, the Invisible Woman’s brother was going to be black. On the subject of casting a black actor to play Johnny Storm Trank said “I didn’t choose to make Johnny black. I chose to make Michael Johnny.”. The characters will remain siblings but we don’t know how just yet – shared parent or adoption either way it’s great that the pair as still bonded!
Secondly we got confirmation that a leaked image of Jamie Bell’s character, ‘The Thing’ is the real deal:

Trank also spoke about the Fantastic Four uniforms and while he has kept most of the details to himself he has stated that they are not the skin tight bodysuits we’ve seen in the last two movies.
The reboot is scheduled for release on June 19, 2015 with a sequel already confirmed for July 2017!
