Home Games CODumentary: A Call of Duty Documentary Film

CODumentary: A Call of Duty Documentary Film


https://app.box.com/representation/file_version_17333259161/image_2048/1.png?shared_name=z4w5a7fh0uyha09p1tifIf you’re into nerd culture, Call of Duty has become an absolute staple of your yearly calendar, whether you like it or not. Every year the parade comes and goes, promising new multi-player options and steadfast strategies that keep gamers coming back again and again. The rise has been historic for the industry, and some have been following since the start.
Enter the team behind CODumentary, a documentary film that has followed the game’s rise over the last five years. Filmed in a variety of locations, and featuring interviews from just about anyone you’d care to ask on the topic (e-sports professionals, developers, journalists, video game stockists, you name it), the film promises to provide a keen look at how a cinematic PC shooter became a monolith of modern entertainment that helped take video games into the mainstream.
Jonathan Beales, the producer of the film, says “CODumentary has been made for COD & gaming fans everywhere in the world.I just felt it was important to make a film about such a great game and how it’s just got bigger and stronger.There is also a strong moral side to the narrative and we portray the whole picture from the early days right up to 2014.”
CODumentary is set for release December 2014, and is not affiliated or associated with Activision in any way, shape or form.
