Home Anime/Cartoons Attack on Titan Season 2 Confirmed Pre-Production

Attack on Titan Season 2 Confirmed Pre-Production


At Animagic 2014, the annual German convention and one of the largest Anime events in the country and Europe, George Wada, anime producer for IG Productions was attending and hosted a panel about his work where fans had the chance to quiz him about one of IG Productions biggest projects, ‘Attack on Titan’.
The anime series exploded onto the scene quickly winning fans and critics over with it’s story, animation and characters and during the panel Mr. Wada confirmed that the series was returning for a second season, that was currently in pre-production:
During the Q & A session, which took place on the panel, Wada gave way to questions from the fans and confirmed that it currently was in the phase of pre-production. More exact information he could not yet tell.
Mr. Wada did not take questions on the plot or story arc but did talk in length about the first series and the work that went into perfecting the look and feel of the show trying to do the Manga novels justice.
If you speak fluent German, then you can read more about the Q+A panel here! Interested in Attack on Titan? Check out our full review of season one right here!

Kudos to Stephen O Reilly for getting in touch about this news story!
