Home Cosplay YouTuber of the Week: PompBerry

YouTuber of the Week: PompBerry


So YouTuber of the Week has fallen along the wayside while ArcadeCon was under-way but we’re back now to go through some amazing YouTubers.
And what better YouTuber to start with than an incredibly talented artist, make-up artist and cosplayer: Pompberry (Fernanda Muchado),  a Brazilian Cosplayer, based in Ireland.
Starting in 2007 cosplaying as Death from Sandman she has shown her incredible talent and make-up and cosplaying since, creating wondering cosplays like poison ivy and peppermint and currently working on  a Daenareys cosplay.

There are a lot of things that I like about Pompberry, one of them being that she has shown cosplayers new and experienced that you can cosplay on a budget and don’t need fancy make-up to get the look that you are going for. She has done a few make-up tutorials that provide the perfect effect with just a brush or two and a bit of black eyeshadow and liner.

Pompberry is, as mentioned a very talented artist with a lot of her drawings showing that she has a unique flair to colours and imagery. She is a fantastic make up artist with a seriously creative streak that works with themes that are quite current.
Check out her amazing work on Facebook, YouTube and DeviantArt
