Home Comics/Books Sci-Fi Film ‘Collider’ Hits Screens Tomorrow
Sci-Fi Film ‘Collider’ Hits Screens Tomorrow

Sci-Fi Film ‘Collider’ Hits Screens Tomorrow


IMG_0256What would you do if you could go back in time? Would you ask that girl or boy on a date that you were too afraid to back in school? Like Clara Oswald, would you travel back in time to cook your turkey better? Simple, trivial things, aren’t they? Well, in ‘Collider’, we follow six individuals who time travel to stop the apocalypse!

‘Collider’ is an Irish-Portuguese film hitting our screens tomorrow. Directed by Jason Butler, famous for his work with ‘The Rubberbandits’ and ‘Republic of Telly’, ‘Collider’ started as a comic book but has now been adapted into a feature film. 


The premise sounds excellent, I must say, and I’ll be eager to see the film when released. ‘Collider’ was inspired by experiments performed at the CERN campus in Geneva, where scientists found the Higgs Boson and won the Nobel Prize in physics 2013. Taking place in 2018, society has fallen and our race is on the verge of extinction due to a mutant race known only as ‘The Unknown’. As stated above, we follow the journey of  six main characters as they travel back in time to alter the happenings of previous years in order to save our planet and race, and put a permanent halt to the oncoming apocalypse.

Produced by Nuno Bernardo, Triona Campbell and John McDonnell, ‘Collider’ features actors Iain Robertson (Basic Instinct 2, Plunkett & Macleane, The Contractor, Band of Brothers) and Lucy Cudden (Pulp, Judas Ghost Afterlife) in the lead roles. It was written by two-time EMMY nominee Nuno Bernardo (“Final Punishment” and “Beat Girl”).

‘Collider’ will be released nationwide tomorrow, January 10th. Expect a full review of the film this week!

