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High Score: Oreimo

Things have been pretty epic on High Score lately. A little too grand and overbearing perhaps. It’s not that I don’t want you all leaving this column enthused, energized and ready to take on dragons or the day or whatever it is you’re up against, I just think it’s about time we sat back, took […]

High Score: Heavy Rain

We’ve written a little about Quantic Dream before here on The Arcade. As studios go, they’re somewhat of a maverick. Headed by the infamously ambitious David Cage, they’ve spent the better part of the last eight years pushing the boundaries of video game storytelling, mostly, for better or worse, by taking cues from the world […]

High Score: The Evangelion Series

Most of you regular readers, and anyone who happens to be in my company for more than five minutes, will most likely be aware of the fact that I am a full-throttle, card carrying Evangelion obsessive. In my near-decade-long devotion to Eva, I’ve spent countless amounts of money on special edition DVD’s and blu-rays, countless […]