Home Featured ‘This Is Me’ Kesha – Track Of The Day
‘This Is Me’ Kesha – Track Of The Day

‘This Is Me’ Kesha – Track Of The Day


I hadn’t planned on checking out The Greatest Showman. A feature length musical, it’s right up my alley or at least a few years ago it would have been. I felt the whole thing had been done before and it gave me serious Les Mis meets Moulin Rouge vibes! So I was just going to skip over it until DVD release or even Netflix… maybe!

Then Spotify went and made me listen to Kesha covering a song from the musical and I’ve become utterly obsessed with the whole thing. ‘This Is Me’ is a powerful and emotional ballad and it’s perfect for a Monday; it has the energy to get you going!

I am a little surprised though; usually I prefer the original musical number or the cover; never both. While Kesha does a sublime job belting this out, Keala Settle, who performs the song during the feature, packs her rendition with raw emotion. It’s stunning! Check out my bonus track of the singer/actor performing it for a demo reel below!
