Home Featured ‘What Are You Going to Be for Halloween?’ – Matthew Gray Gubler – Track of the Day
‘What Are You Going to Be for Halloween?’ – Matthew Gray Gubler – Track of the Day

‘What Are You Going to Be for Halloween?’ – Matthew Gray Gubler – Track of the Day


Happy Monday to you! I hope you’re in the mood for some Halloweeny goodness, as today’s track of the day is all about your Halloween costume!

Matthew Gray Gubler, better known as Dr. Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds, is an avid Halloween’er. Any fans of his know how obsessed he is with the weird and macabre, so you can imagine what he’s like at this time of year!

Back in 2010, he posted a link to a song he’d recorded, saying he was thinking of releasing a children’s Halloween album. Nothing really came of it unfortunately, but we got this awesomely creepy little song! There is no music video for it, so here is a fan made one!

You can download the song over at iTunes and you can keep up with Matthew Gray Gubler over at his fantastically creepy website Gublerland.

So, what are you going to be for Halloween? Let us know in the comments!
