Home Comics/Books Welcome To Night Vale Book Release Date And Cover Revealed
Welcome To Night Vale Book Release Date And Cover Revealed

Welcome To Night Vale Book Release Date And Cover Revealed


Clench at your back sides, readers, the Welcome To Night Vale novel is to be released October 20th 2015. A post on the website states that it is also up for pre-order from a number of outlets, though Amazon is possibly the most favored, especially after last time. Those centipedes still haven’t forgiven you.
The book cover is below, if you enjoy staring at pictures of things you can fill your empty life with as the tears start to flow down your cheek and onto your grey skin as you finally realize you are an elephant. A big grey elephant, who can read.

WTNV_Version BEST 2.27

The book is written by the writers of Welcome To Night Vale, Jeffrey Cranor and Joseph Fink. We interviewed Joseph Fink once, a long time ago, before any of this had even happened. Before any of you were ever here. Before anything existed, really, except us and Joseph Fink. There will be regular print, e-book, digital audio, CD and digestion pill versions made available. We’re still waiting to see if the toffee-flavored lollypop form will have any legs. We hope so, it makes things more interesting.
